A downloadable asset pack

This is the Starter Asset we use in the Scary Survival Horror series.

Please note, this asset is only here if you aren't able to install the actual asset we used in the tutorial. 

Follow the 7 steps below to manually install the asset.


1. Unzip the downloaded file and then drag it into the Assets Panel in Unity

2. Click 'Window' and then click 'Package Manager'

3. In the top left of the Package Manager, select the option as 'Unity Registry'

4. In the top right, search for 'Cinemachine' and then select it on the left and click 'Install'

5. In the top right, search for 'Render' and then select 'Universal RP' and then click 'Install'

6. In the top right, search for 'Input' and then select 'Input System' on the left and then click Install

7. Finally, when prompted, restart the engine and you'll have fully installed the FPS Controller manually

Published 18 days ago
AuthorJimmy Vegas Game Studios


StarterAssets.zip 1.7 MB